Saturday, October 27, 2012

chapter 157

word count: 1604

the words had hardly escaped gil’s lips, when he felt a sharp jab in the back of his neck and instantaneously,, everything went black.. 

one of the two green scrub clad males that had been unremarkably hanging out just outside the door to the recovery room,, seemingly just shooting the shit,, and having a smoke, expertly caught gill as he went down,, as the other, (the one who had so deftly snuck up behind him unnoticed, as gil exited the bar, and popped him with the powerful sedative while he was momentarily distracted by the distinct threat of gunplay that awaited him as he exited the bar) grabbed gil’s powerful legs,, and in one fell swoop, the two tossed him, like so much laundry, into the back of the waiting cargo van.. they immediately resumed their position at the door,, once again,, nonchalantly,,  lighting up a smoke,, and making casual banter..

 ‘foresight’ being her middle name,, boa would never have been so foolish as arrive at this mysterious rendezvous with the good doctor without plenty of muscle..  she had cleverly dispatched four of her most reliable enforcers to the point of rendezvous well before the scheduled meeting  under orders to “be ready for anything”..  and if their effortless removal of gill from the playing field was any indicator,, if they had followed her orders to the letter.. 

having just witnessed what could be mistaken as no less than the work of consummate professionals,, it was blatantly obvious to both frank and priscilla there was something going on here,, much larger than either of them had originally presumed..   

“i believe it is you that should drop the gun.." boa stated casually,,  as she cast frank a disconcerting smile, and with a slight nod of the head issued an unspoken order to the third of her trusty henchmen who stepped stealthily out from his dimly lit vantage point behind the dumpster.. priscilla swung her head around just in time to see him wielding a tire iron that he swung down heavily on the back of franks skull, reducing him to a pile of lifeless flesh on the asphalt parking lot before she could even issue a word of warning. 

within a matter of seconds,, the unmarked cargo van into which the two hard bodies (that continued to maintain their position just outside the recovery room door) had just tossed the chemically subdued body of the latino/american detective,, pulled up beside frank,, obscuring all view as the driver of the van,, and the mysterious tire iron wielding thug, added frank to the pile of fresh human cargo,, and sped off into the swiftly setting sun.. 

“you’ll never get away with this!” priscilla sneered as she addressed the seemingly detached woman who had never so much as wavered in her glance despite all the well-orchestrated devastation that was going on all around them.. boa remained perfectly poised,, her pearl handled revolver leveled expertly at priscilla’s pretty little brunette head.. 

without so much as blink of an eye, boa summoned a black cadillac escalade,, which slid silently up beside priscilla.. the was rear passenger door swung opened,, and a deep voice from some as of yet unseen individual, could be heard requesting her presence in the backseat of the in the escalade.. priscilla glanced tentatively into the vehicle,, where she her glance was met by the business end of a .45 semi-automatic, complete with silencer.. 

“just get the fuck in the car..” boa seethed as she, pearl handled revolver still trained expertly on priscilla, closed in and motioned her into the car..  

priscilla realizing that she was not in a position to put up any form of argument,, obediently took a seat on the strangely austere rear bench seat of the escalade,, as boa assumed her position of prominence in the luxuriously appointed  forward cab.. 

“drive.” boa admonished the driver,, who without hesitation eased the escalade to the street entrance of the parking lot,, where the he waited for further instruction before he dared ease the vehicle onto the main road.. 

without missing a beat,, boa turned to the cleaner that, now rested the silencer of his .45 thug style against priscilla’s porcelain white temple,,  “she has a little brown bottle of something. i want it..”  

the cleaner extended his free hand,, into which priscilla, begrudgingly dropped the precious diana diamond cleverly concealed in the ancient bottle of mercurochrome.. he immediately handed it off to boa,, who effortlessly tapped a button causing a thick black bullet proof window to rise up,, thus separating herself from whatever pedestrian activity might be going on in the seat behind her.. 

“hmm..” boa huffed in her signature style as she checked the time on her cell.. she was pleased to find out she had just enough time to make it to silk and meet with mr. big as previously arranged.. 

“silk.” she admonished the driver,, who obediently eased the luxurous vehicle into traffic.. 

not one to leave any loose ends,, and yet not having the time at the present to see to properly tying them up herself,, boa placed a call to a well trusted associate,, and issued a direct order to do whatever it took to locate and deliver to her one dr. kevin collins, asap..  

as the sleek black escalade approached the canopy at the vip entrance to silk,, boa tucked the still mysterious bottle of mercurochrome into her supple black sealskin handbag for safe keeping,, and lowered the dark privacy window between the front and rear seats of the escalade,, just enough to verify with the cleaner that the task at hand had been successfully completed.. with a silent nod of the head,, he assured her he had taken care of the situation to what he knew would be her satisfaction.. 

“get rid of it..” she pronounced disinterestedly, as she tapped the button., yet again,, and raised the dark privacy window just as the escalade pulled up to silk’s lavish vip entrance..


cleverly disguised as a part of the prominently hispanic cleaning crew at new albany general hospital, sergio clemente,  better known as ‘the surg’ in the circles in which he traveled,, moved undetected through the florescent lighted hallways of the surgical department, as he pushed an industrial size trashcan lethargically,, in front of him,, occasionally yawning to emphasize his bored familiarity with the tedium provide by the task he seemingly had at hand.. 

he rolled his bin down the hallway and then fluidly came to rest in front of the closed door on which the nameplate read, dr. kevin collins, chief of surgery.. he rapped gently on the door,, announcing his presence as he opened  the door with is latex gloved hand,, and stepped tentatively inside..  

a rather dazed looking dr. collins,, was seated on the floor, back resting against the leather sofa that sat facing his ornate cherry wood desk.. he held his head in his hands,, and coughed a bit erratically, as if he was trying to clear his throat before he looked up and noticed the janitors presence..

“help me,,” he whispered, as he reached out to the unknown janitor in hopes he would help him to the sofa.. “i’ve,, i’ve had an accident.” 

“take it easy,, el doctor,, take it easy..”  ‘the surg’ spoke in his best broken english,,  as he leaned in wrapped his capable arm around him,, and eased the good doctor off the floor and onto the soft leather sofa.. “i am help you..”

“thank you. thank you.” doctor collins half mouthed, half whispered as he took a moment to regain his composure.. 

“i am getting help?” ‘the surg’ suggested..

“no. no. i’ll be alright..” kevin whispered,, not wanting to bring any of this to the attention of the hospital staff.. how on earth would he even begin to explain what had happened without setting off numerous red flags??   

“water.” the good doctor whispered.. “can you get me some water?”

“agua, chure.”  ‘the surg’ nodded as he went into the bathroom and turned on the tap with one hand as he slipped a sedative filled hypodermic needle out of his shirt pocket with the other.. “agua, chure..” he repeated as he carefully turned off the tap, and reentered the office,, where he proceeded to plunge the hypodermic into the good doctors neck before he could even register what was happening.. 

with that,, ‘the surg’ methodically replaced the cap on the syringe,, and returned it to his shirt pocket.. he then stepped out into the hall to make sure he was not being observed,, quickly rolled the can into the office,, and pulled out the three plastic bags full of trash that were in the can when he rolled it out of the janitorial closet.. 

with little or no degree of difficulty,, ‘the surg’ hoisted the slumbering doctor into the can covered him with the waiting trash bags,, and quickly exited the office,, pulling the door closed behind him..

without hesitation he took his now filled to overflowing bin,, and rolled it methodically down the hall,, passed the double doors that led to the janitorial closet,, and into a waiting ramped van parked in the alleyway just behind the hospital.. 

as the driver eased the van out of the alleyway,, ‘the surg’ placed a call to boa,, who was presently embroiled in a heated discussion with mr. big himself,, and thus he was greeted by her curt voicemail greeting.. 

“go!” boa’s voice barked through the phone.

“makin’ a trash run later on tonight.” he spoke calmly into the phone.. “just let me know if you got anything that needs ta go.”

1 comment:

  1. Oh! My Gil machine is in trouble! That's all I can think about. ;)
