Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Chapter 154

word count 1163

Once Priscilla had left the area, Trudy settled down and Buzz sat next to her for a little talk.

“So what's going on, babe?” He shifted in his seat. Sitting and talking didn't come natural to the big man. To his surprise, a tear ran down Trudy's cheek. He scooted closer and gave her a big hug.

“Oh Buzz, I just don't know what happens to me. I get so upset. It's like something in me snaps and I lose control.”

“I know that feeling,” Buzz replied thinking of his rage and his short temper. “Well, look I really want to try it again with you. I know you don't like Priscilla, but Mrs. Dunn should be back soon. And Priscilla will be gone. I want you to move in with me.”

He sat quietly for a moment before proceeding. He continued, “Trudy, I know a doctor. He might be able to help you, help me. We could make a pact. We'll go and see him together. He can help me with my anger issues, and he can help you, too. Would you do that for me?”

“Buzz, are ya talkin' about a shrink?”

His face reddened. Trudy had no idea how difficult it was to make this suggestion. “Trudy, look. You know me. I don't have any faith in head doctors. I never have. But you and me, we both have problems, and neither of us is getting any better. To be frank, I don't know where else to turn.”

“Buzz, are ya talkin' about a shrink?” she repeated. “Are ya nuts?”

“Babe, we'll go as a couple. I think it's the only way I'll let you move in with me. If we both get treatment. They have medicines...”

She broke in before he could finish. “Ya mean movin' in with ya means I have to go?”

“Yes, Trudy. It does.”

He could tell she was ready to blow. But Buzz watched as Trudy pulled herself together. She looked away and then turned again to look him straight in the eye. “I'll do it,” she said.

“Aw, thanks, babe! We won't regret this.” He hugged her good and hard.

“Hey, Buzz...” Gil said, walking over. “We're all going to over to the Recovery Room lounge and knock back a few. These kids and their parents need some time alone with Elliot.”

Buzz and Trudy's eyes met. They both knew their respective sons didn't want them around. The boys had a new life now with John and Lisa. Buzz, in particular, cringed when he remembered Adam's fearful glance a short time ago.

“Let's go,” Buzz said, grabbing Trudy by the hand.

* * *

Algernon English flipped through the secret notebook he always carried in the lining of his ubiquitous trench coat. Rain or shine, hot or cold, he always had the coat in tow. The book was too precious to let it get into the wrong hands. Flipping through pages, he stopped, scanned a caption with his finger, and smiled. “Perfect!” he murmured.

He punched a number in his cell and waited. “Hullo? Is that you, Frank? Algernon English here. I'm fine. I need you for a little something. Surveillance, possible uncover work.” He paused, nodding unconsciously. “I need you to keep an eye on someone...stop a diamond heist in progress. Are we after the gem, as usual? Of course! And don't worry, you'll get your cut.” He paused again. “Splendid. Let's meet and I'll give you the address and details. I really appreciate this, Frankie. I think this lady will respond better to an American...Okay, thanks, see you later.”

“That sounded encouraging,” Priscilla said.

“Now, did you get the other one?” Algie asked lifting a china cup with a rose design to sip a spot of tea.

“No, I decided to handle that part myself. In fact, I'd better get going. He is probably about done with his daily jog.” She checked notes she'd made after picking the minds of some nurses earlier to determine the doctor's daily routine.

“Are you sure that's wise? He'll probably remember you from the waiting room.”

“It won't make any difference, what with the plans I have.”

* * *

Gina O'Hoohlihan was finishing her makeup when she heard a knock at the door. Not expecting anyone, and with this caper in progress setting her nerves on end, the pounding made her heart skip a few beats. What if it was the cops or something? All she wanted to do was pack a bag and meet Kevin and get the heck out of the country with the ring. She padded to the living room with bare feet and stood on tip toes to peer through the peep hole. Spying the handsome stranger, she let out an audible gasp. Fumbling with the lock, she opened the door.

“How do you do?” She struggled to get the words out, so overcome by his glaring blue eyes. They stared her down, intelligent and knowing, like she was an old familiar book and the fellow intended to seek out his favorite dog-eared pages next.

It was a simple matter to push his way through the door, grab the woman, and cover her mouth and nose with a handkerchief. He held her until the girl collapsed in his arms. Once he had lain her on the floor, he got to work rifling through her purse from the coffee table looking for her cell phone, scrolling through entries, looking for voice mails. Casting it aside, he started a rampage of the apartment, opening every drawer, flipping the mattress, overturning contents in every closet and cupboard.

* * *

Priscilla arrived at Dr. Collins' office at the same time he did. She stood with wide, welcoming eyes watching him approach. It would be impossible for a man not to be flattered by such a pretty girl waiting to speak to him. The doctor wiped sweat from his brow with the back of his arm and put on his most endearing smile.

“Dr. Collins? I don't if you remember me. I was with Elliot's family in the waiting room—the boy you removed a foreign substance from his stomach?”

“Of course I remember you,” Kevin said. Who wouldn't have noticed this bombshell, he thought. “Can I help you?”

“Actually, I'm a journalist. The story is so interesting. I'm doing a special for the Sunday edition on how a family pulls together when a child is ill. I've already interviewed the family, and as you saw, spent time while they waited during little Elliot's surgery. To round out my article, I could use an interview from the doctor's perspective. What you told family members, how you felt they dealt with the information, and so on. May we take a few moments in your office and talk about it?”

He glanced at his watch...6:20. He had time, and this lady was delicious. “Sure, let's step in my office,” he said.

1 comment:

  1. hither thither and yon!!!! corral at the recovery room??? hmmm i wonder..
