Friday, October 26, 2012

Chapter 156

word count 1448

Gil wound his way through the maze of tables while carrying drinks, preoccupied with trying not to spill anything, when he spied Algernon English standing at his table. The cop stopped dead in his tracks. That British guy was a puzzle. First of all, what was a character like him doing with a beautiful babe like Priscilla, married up and supposedly happy? It just didn't seem likely. And what brought the two of them to town all of a sudden?

The idea of British imports brought to mind a diamond he'd read about, the Princess Diana diamond, missing from the Royal Collection. It wasn't his concern, being in homicide, but he'd found the information when it passed his desk interesting reading. At that moment, he didn't know why, but he felt an intense need to go back to the office and do a little research about that diamond. Call it instinct, if you will, or maybe the urge came about because of an inkling about all things British in front of his face all of a sudden.

When he arrived at the table, he nodded to Algernon and distributed the drinks he'd gotten for his friends.

“If you'd like to join us, Mr. English, I was just leaving,” he said. “You can have my seat.”

Hank and Buzz shot him puzzled expressions.

“What's up?” Buzz asked, never one to mince words.

“Nothing, really. I just remembered some work I needed to do at the office.” He said his good-byes and rushed away.

Algernon watched him make his way to the exit. The British man's pulse quickened as his sixth sense told him something was up. He sighed unconsciously. That lad knows something, he thought. The sooner they found the Diana diamond and got back to England, the better.

* * *

The three boys sat in Elliot's hospital room, their parents having just left to go and get coffee. They didn't think the two adults would ever get out of the way so the boys could talk.

“What did that doctor mean, unidentifiable material? Wasn't it the diamond he took out?” Adam was beside himself. Just by the nature of their ages and their ability to be influenced, they always expected adults were being truthful, so they were puzzled by recent events.

“I know, dude! As soon as I heard him, I got upset,” Erik added. “If that wasn't it they took out, then maybe it's still in Elliot.”

Adam leaned over Elliot. “Dude, have you pooped lately?”

“Nah, and I've been laid up sick lately, dude! Duh!”

“Well, you gotta watch what comes out. You gotta look for that diamond. It's important to us!” When Adam said “us” he pointed to all three of them reminding Elliot of their sacred brotherhood.

“What if the nurse gives me a bed pan and takes it away after I poop?”

“Then you better go through the stuff before you give it to her,” Erik piped in.

“How am I gonna do that without getting caught? It'll look picked over! Eeew!”

“Dude, don't go to the bathroom until you get home!” Adam threw his arms in the air first, then leaned nose to nose with Elliot as he said the words to drive home his point.

* * *

Winifred Dunn had had enough. Theses incompetents were going to let the diamond slip through their fingers. She just knew it. Algernon was an old fool, and Priscilla, well, that young lady only had one thing on her mind most of the time. The older woman knew she needed to get out of hospital immediately and set things straight.

She got off the bed slowly and made her way to the closet. She felt a little dizzy, but that was okay. Her training had taught her how to buck up when necessary. Knowing she had to be quick and quiet, she grabbed her clothes and headed for the bathroom. The day nurse was notorious for sensing when something was up. In the tiny bathroom she donned her clothes and powdered her nose, next applying her rose colored lipstick. After checking her hair, and making sure her purse was in order, she was ready to go. Luckily, the nurses had not taken any valuables to keep at the desk. She opened the door slowly. All clear.

* * *

Priscilla held up the Mercurochrome bottle to the light, remembering what a ghastly color the red-orange liquid always made her skin when her mum dabbed it on her bruised knees as a kid. Swishing the liquid, suddenly she spied a little something bobbling around in the bottle, the ring with the gem standing out big as day. Blinking in surprise, the lady teeter-tottered on her perch at the edge of desk, almost falling, but recovering in time before the good doctor could notice.

Oh my, I've hit the jackpot, she how to get out of here with the goods.

Dr. Collins had an awful feeling that not only had the reporter just seen the jewel, but that she knew how valuable it was. He had to get the bottle out of her hands and get rid of her in a hurry. Another glance at his watch revealed it was 6:55. He should be meeting Boa right now. He needed to get the diamond and get it fast.

They locked eyes. Priscilla wrapped her hands around the bottle and clutched it to her chest. Dr. Collins moved closer, his eyes growing larger with rage. A chase around the desk ensued. But Priscilla made one lap and stopped short while Dr. Collins charged her. When he rammed into the woman, she grabbed him in a head lock to choke him. He struggled, arms flailing. In her death grip, his face turned red while gagging noises chortled out of his throat.

Hold on, Prissy. Let's not add murder to the list, she thought. She held only a moment longer until he lost consciousness. She dropped him to the floor like yesterday's garbage, feeling his neck afterward to make sure there was still a pulse. He was out cold, but okay. Satisfied, she lifted the bottle out of her bodice where she'd stashed it and admired the contents.

I really got lucky on this one, she thought. Now to just find Algernon. She fumbled her cell phone out of her pocket to call him as she exited the office, making her way down the elevator and through the main doors. Phone in hand, she spied Algernon's Edsel across the street at the Recovery Room. Oh god, she murmured. How she hated that car! But at least she couldn't miss it if she was looking. When she made it to the parking lot, she wasn't looking, replacing her cell, and ran right into Boa who was walking while fishing around in her purse. Priscilla was still clutching the Mercurochrome bottle in one hand for dear life.

“Excuse me,” she said, looking the other woman up and down.

Instant tension filled the space between them. The air was still, making it hard to breathe. But it was something else that made her breath catch in her throat. Priscilla had known this feeling many times in her career. This woman was dangerous. The vibes emanating from her were lethal. Her heart started beating out a crazy rhythm.

Boa glared at her in turn, and the two slowly moved in a circle, never losing eye contact in the process. It was like two wildcats fixing for a fight. It was then that Boa spied the bottle in Priscilla's hand.

“What are you holding?” she asked.

When the other woman didn't answer, Boa reached in her jet black boot and produced a tiny pistol with a pearl grip. “Hand it over,” she said. She didn't know what it was, but if the woman acted this funny about it, it must be something good.

“Drop the gun!” Frank's voice broke through the tension. Priscilla held back a tiny smile, relaxing her stance. The cavalry had arrived.

Boa didn't budge. Her dark eyes shot bullets more deadly than those in her weapon. The three stood posed in an uneasy triangle, Priscilla at one point, Boa and Frank at the other corners, and at a standoff.

Gil made his way through the parking lot to his car anxious to get to the office, when the hairs on the back of his neck stood up as though his body sensed danger before he saw it. Then his gaze fell on the three. He drew his revolver without thinking and edged closer.

“Police! What's going on here?” he said.

1 comment:

  1. lordy lordy somebody could get shot out here!!!! excellent write jo!!!!
