Saturday, October 6, 2012

Chapter 138

 word count 1107

Algernon English smiled and patted Winifred Dunn's hand.

"Do you think you can work your way in closer, you know, to find out what we need to know, to find it and snatch it before it finds its way back into Royal hands. Or I could call in reinforcements?"

"Of course, I can, Algie. No need for anyone else to get involved. First, though, I'm going to have to get out of this ridiculous hospital. I'm not sure the police realize yet about the diamond in their mist, but they will. And I'll be watching."

"Yes, regrettable, the way you were manhandled. I say, girl, you must be losing your touch." He covered his face with his hands when he spied Mrs. Dunn's fist clenched, poised to pummel him.

"I have not lost my touch! Some of these Americans are such cretins. The fellow caught me off guard, that's all." She paused, thoughtful. "Who would have thought I would be pounded on for no reason of my own. It had absolutely nothing to do with our current caper."

"Sad, but true," observed Algie. He rose and brushed imaginary lint off his jacket. "Well, I've got to get going. Do keep me informed, darling--on your progress...and your health. That was a nasty blow to the head."

"Thank you, Algie. I most certainly will." She waved good-bye, a limp-wristed gesture at best, revealing her actual weakness.

"Good-bye, dear!" he replied, while thinking how this latest turn had taken a toll on her. Maybe he should assign another agent.  He knew a couple who might want in on this...the dirty deal that could let them retire for life.


If their parents knew they were back at the junk yard looking for treasure again, they wouldn't be happy. But the three boys, Elliot, Adam, and Erik being like most kids didn't care. The allure of adventure would always win out over mere parental disapproval.

"Find anything?" Elliot called out, straddling a mound of junk on his own.

"No, nothing here!" Adam reported from a faraway corner. He shrugged his shoulders and continued to search.

Eric didn't reply. He hated to admit he'd come up empty, needing in the worst way to find a treasure. He was getting along well enough with the other two, but they were a pair, two good buddies, and he was always the third guy who didn't fit. If he could find a real treasure, it would make them look up and listen, let him in. Up to now, he'd always been just a tag-a-long. He yearned to be bonded to them for real...for life.

A glint in the sun-drenched stacks caught his eye. It was close to where they'd found Mick Johnson's body. But oh boy, he hated to go over there, remembering Mick's stiffened body with the eyes popping out, and the stink, oh the stink, when they discovered him. But that glitter could be the treasure he needed to win over his brothers. Swallowing his fear, he moved forward.

"This is creepy! This is creepy!" He muttered under his breath.

He hated to touch anything in the area. Dropping down to his knees, he pushed aside old tools, touching them with only the tips of his fingers searching for the shiny thing. It was nested under a rusty iron skillet. Wrapping his fingers around it, he lifted the glittery object to see a beautiful ring, silver metal wrapped around a huge transparent stone, as big as his thumb nail. It looked like glass, but much prettier. When he held it up, the light made rainbows in its many cuts and layers. Something told him this ring was special, and it was his treasure, the item that would make him of equal importance to Elliot and Adam.


When Gil and Hank finally got together with Buzz again at the precinct, they were both aware of his new peaceful demeanor. Buzz smiling? Offering pleasantries like good morning and thank you? It boggled the mind. But at least he was up and back to work. The final paperwork on Tobin's thugs was wrapped up. Their slates were clean, for the moment anyway, and the three men sat, feet up on the desks, sloshing coffee and shooting the bull.

"So what's the latest on Trudy?" Gil asked Buzz. He knew about the sisters of mercy and Trudy, which he found to be an extraordinary event...Trudy at the nunnery. Yikes! But what he wondered now what her connection and/or commitment to Buzz might be. "So how long is she going to stay there?" He paused, then added in a quiet voice, "And what's it to ya?"

Buzz looked back at him and blushed.

Gil and Hank exchanged glances. Buzz blushing? How could this be?

And the day was just beginning.


In the dark recesses of New Albany, holed up in a filthy motel room, the remains of Joe Tobin's inner circle sat huddled together in intense conversation. Only one bedside lamp was lit in a room with drapes pulled tight in the middle of the day. The lamp cast an eerie orange glow over their mean, deadly faces. These were fellows who dealt with violence on a daily basis. Two of them were enforcers. All were loyalists to Joe.

"We didn't find it when we searched Johnson's body, after Mark Johnson dumped him. Mark and his mother never knew about it. Mick told Tobin and tried to make a private deal. He didn't want to split the profits with his family. Nor could we find it when we searched the house which wasn't easy, I might add, what with the yellow crime tape all around it. Granny Johnson and Mark couldn't have found it and taken it, because if the cops found it on them, we woulda heard about it. It would be big news."

"Well, it didn't go up in smoke! Mick Johnson had it when Mark offed him. I just know it. I was there when he hoisted that rock from the exhibit. He always kept it on him, never put it down. He said it was too valuable to take his eyes off it.”

Exasperated listening to his men, the head honcho slammed his fist on the mattress, producing only a thud rather than the desired slam. "Maybe he had it on him when he got killed. Maybe you missed it on the body. It could still be in the junkyard." He paused to take a long drag off a cigarette.

“Lenny, Nick! Get your asses to that dump and find that diamond! NOW!”

1 comment:

  1. new story lines flying in from every corner of the "mind" field!!! what fun!!! good re-opening jo!!! on all fronts!!!
