Saturday, November 24, 2012

chapter 181

word count: 1131

by the time the admitting desk in the emergency room called trudy’s name, she had been sitting alone for nearly an hour with nothing but buzz’s bedspread to comfort her..

she had looked on helplessly as they had loaded buzz onto a stretcher,, and whisked him away to do whatever it was they did when they suspected head trauma.. and then there was algie,, nearly dragged away by the same hospital security that seemed to enter into her life every time she set foot in this hospital..

trudy kind of felt sorry for the little guy.. his wife had gone missing, without a clue. yet,, despite his own tragedy,, he had reached out to help her,, and now look what he had gotten for his trouble.. not that trudy felt sorry enough to go and try to clear things up with security, but still,, in her own selfish way,, she did feel somewhat sorry for him..

“well, it’s about time!!”  trudy yelled out to the nurse behind the admitting desk,, as she approached,, dragging buzz’s bedspread on the floor behind her.. “i’ve been waiting here for hours,, in pain,, with what is probably a broken hand…”

“hunt?? trudy hunt??” cut in the nurse behind the desk..

“well ya!! isn’t that who’s name ya just called?? why else would i be up here??”

“mrs. hunt,, your wanted in security. just follow me..” instructed the nurse as she paid no attention to trudy or her injury,, and set off leading the way expecting trudy to follow..

“what the hell is wrong with you people??” trudy barked. “can’t you see i am injured here?? i came here because my hand is probably broken!! i am not going anywhere until i am seen by a doctor.. look at this swelling!! can’t you see i am in pain, here??”

“i am just following orders, mrs. hunt.. you can take that matter up with the security team..” the nurse retorted bluntly as she hit a button on the wall that caused the double doors in front of her to open.. 

“now if you will just follow me..”

“i’m not following you anywhere!!” trudy bellowed. “i demand to be seen by a doctor!!”

as mrs. dunn entered the emergency room she didn’t have to look for trudy,, all she had to do was follow the ever annoying sound of her voice.. she stepped into view just as the admittance nurse was trying to explain to a visibly non compliant trudy that she would have to be cleared by the security team before she was going to be allowed to see a doctor..

“ah,, mrs. hunt.. so glad to have found you.. algie gave me a call and let me know what was happening here,, so i thought it best i come up here in person and try to help sort all of this out with security..”

“you!!” trudy screamed at mrs. dunn..  “i should have known you would be behind all of this!!”

mrs. dunn, doing her best to keep up appearances,, extended her arm graciously to trudy, and even though her faux kindness was refused, continued through the double doors and down the hall..

“what do you say we just take care of this little bit of business mrs. hunt,, and then i will come back here with you an see to it that you are seen by a doctor as soon as possible.. shame really that they haven’t seen you already,, but in light of the little tiff between detective miller and algie…”

“exactly!!” trudy cried out, “it was between them two!! i had nothing to do with any of it!! i came here to see a doctor!!”

“and see a doctor you will.. i will see to it just as soon as the two of us have straightened things up for algie,, as you know,, he was only trying to help you…” mrs. dunn continued as trudy,, intent on an argument followed her down the hall..

“ah ha!! well lookie here will you?? the security office !!” mrs. dunn called out cheerfully as she pushed a stumbling trudy through the door.. 

“good evening gentlemen!! winifred dunn here, accompanied by mrs. trudy hunt!! i think we can help you sort this matter in no time…”


as more and more soldiers showed up at the compound to help clean up after ‘the incident’,, and the word was passed from one to another as too what had gone on here earlier,, ‘the salami’ couldn’t have been more pleased with the way things were falling into place..

his little story about ‘the puck’ sticking him and making off with the gem was being passed around like gospel..  as each new guido arrived on the scene they made their way over to him,, and offered a pat on the back,, a wink,, or a hand shake.. they were after all his brothers in arms,, and he knew he was gonna need every single one of them pulling or him if he was going to be recommended to the family when it came time for one of them to take over where the big guy had unfortunately left off..

‘the salami’ approached ray,, knowing that the arrangements where all supposed to be orchestrated through him,, and offered his assistance.. “hey, rainman, what can i do ta help ya out on this thing? i’m starting to get my shit together here,, and i know that there is a lot that has to go into this whole thing for the big guy together in order for it to come off peaceably.. i am ready to step up and do what needs to be done.. “

“jeez,, thanks, salam,, you sure you’re up to it??” 'the rainman' spoke in a genuinely caring tone..

“you bet buddy.. this is all about the big guy.. ain’t none of it about me.. just lemme know what you want i should do..”

“well i am trying to work out the security detail for the next couple a days.. i got ferrante's down,, since we have used the place so much,, but i need someone to go do the footwork on the church of the annunciation,, since that is where the family will be holding the mass,, and then the cemetery, calvery gardens over on west 38th.. that’s where the big guy wanted to be laid ta rest..”

“i’m on it!!” beamed ‘the salami’ as he jumped at the opportunity to leave the compound and let the guys talk him up in his absence.. as he headed toward his car,, he heard  ‘the rainman’ call out behind him..

“hey salami!! take little sal here with ya.. ya know.. for protection…”

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